Sunday, January 9, 2011

Which Path?

We all walk a path...sometimes a fine line.  We waver between what appears good versus what is best.  I ask questions and ask for guidance, then I quickly answer my own questions and seek the the path I perceive to be right, usually the speediest path to what I want, usually the easiest path.
In Proverbs 3, verses 5-6 I am reminded that my understanding of the best way to go is often fraught with ulterior motives, misguided ideals and selfish ambitions.  And there is the struggle; to trust in myself  and my limited understanding (though I think myself to be so smart and wise) or to lean on the One who created all of my being, the One who has a total picture of my purpose and destiny.
If  I lean on my own understanding I want immediate gratification, a quick and efficient answer to my dilemma which  is apt to put me on a path that leads me on unnecessary detours towards what seems good or good enough but what is usually not God's best for me.

Trust in the Lord?  Sure...with most of my life.  But with my whole heart?  That sounds like giving up a lot of control!  Oh yeah, I guess that is the point, isn't it?  In all my ways acknowledging Him...waiting for His answer to my questions.  Waiting for His hand to point me in the right direction.  Waiting for His timing.  I am beginning to see a theme here...WAITING.  And then I get it...a glimmer of His understanding.  Trusting means waiting.  Not just sitting-on-my-hind-end-twiddling-my-thumbs-waiting but prayerfully waiting, reading His Word waiting, seeking wise counsel waiting.  In other words, acknowledging Him in all my ways.  Then, the verse says,  He will direct my paths.

The New King James version of the Bible says, "And He shall direct your paths".  The New International Version says, "And He will make your paths straight".  Do I want to wander and wind around on a path that wastes my time, that keeps me from God's best?  Or do I want the Creator of all things, the God of all wisdom and might and power, to lead me down the path of His will, His best?  Do I want to frustratingly go down crooked paths of my own doing or peacefully down straight paths of the Lord's design?
If I can get past the issue of setting aside my understanding in order to acknowledge Him in all my ways, then the decision seems to be a no-brainer.  I think I will trust Him and get off the fine line onto the straight path.